Cheers! Happy long holidays..................
Lawyers should never ask a Mississippi grandma a question if they aren't prepared for the answer… In a trial… a Southern small-town prosecuting attorney called his first witness... a grandmotherly... elderly woman to the stand... He approached her and asked... 'Mrs. Jones... do you know me?' She responded... 'Why... yes... I do know you... Mr. Williams... I've known you since you were a boy... and frankly... you've been a big disappointment to me... You lie... you cheat on your wife... and you manipulate people and talk about them behind their backs... You think you're a big shot when you haven't the brains to realize you'll never amount to anything more than a two-bitpaper pusher... Yes... I know you...'
The lawyer was stunned... Not knowing what else to do... he pointed across the room and asked... 'Mrs. Jones... do you know the defense attorney?'
She again replied... ' Why yes... I do... I've known Mr. Bradley since he was a youngster too...He's lazy... bigoted... and he has a drinking problem... He can't build a normal relationship with anyone... and his law practice is one of the worst in the entire state... Not to mention he cheated on his wife with three different women... One of them was your wife... Yes... I know him...' The defense attorney nearly died...
The judge asked both counselors to approach the bench and... in a very quiet voice... said... 'If either of you idiots asks her if she knows me... I'll send you both to the electric chair...'
P/S: Terima kasih kepada mereka yang mengirimkan petikan ini melalui e-mail saya... boleh buat modal untuk berblogging... kui3x...
I have had a good laugh! Me loike this so very much!
A good one bro.Have a happy weekend:D
P/S: I'll be at my 2nd bloggers' meeting at IKANO Food Court at 3-4PM tomorrow. Wanna join?
apolah punya judge..hehee..
kuat btul ingatan grandma ini ye...
kalu kawan pon takut nak tanya..
tapi bagus utk penyiasatan..
bahaya ooo....
muke pon da wanted...
Entry TERJAH pasal Lu Gua dah update....heheheheh
Jangan Marah ah........
Tidoq tak bangun lagi ka?
Salam Sis,
Laugh is a theraphy... Have a good weekend too... :)
P/S: Just on9... already missed u're offer... sory sis... lagipun sibuk sepanjang hari ini... InsyaAllah next time... :) SELAMAT BERHUJUNG MINGGU...
Salam Man,
HAHAHA... baguih grandma nih... kalu ada kes berat panggil je lah dia sebagai saksi... kui3x
Walaikumsalam Bro Dj,
Sory! aku bru on9... dah view dah pun... Thanks 4 everythings BRO!...
P/S: Gua bgun 6.30am la bro... hehe...
fuh..otai tol muka grandma nih..
patut la pon.kih3x...
Salam Dak Nuee,
Mestilah... org lama beb! hehe...
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